Friday, 9 June 2017

Best Dental Care Brampton - Typical Annual Checkups For Adult

In order to keep your oral hygiene impeccable and intact, it's important to sign up for an annual checkup. Now these are vital for a lot many reasons. Annual dental checkup is necessary to keep a check on dental caries, to ensure healthy gums, to make your teeth sparkling white, and for overall oral hygiene. Yearly dental checkup for adults consist of a series of procedures that are recommended by CDHA. Sandalwood Smiles, the leading Best Dental Care Brampton ,have listed these procedures in an easily comprehensible manner.

Recall Examination

Recall examination is prescribed by your dental hygienists for regular maintenance of treatment and control of problem. Previously collected assessment data is reviewed, updated, and analyzed. Treatment plan is modified after thoroughly analyzing the assessment data. In case an added intervention is needed, it's included in the treatment plan. It's also important for case presentations to see that a new therapy has yielded fruitful results or not. Don't ignore reassessment calls from your dental hygienist,

Bitewing Radiographs

2 bitewing radio graphs (4film) are recommended which are interpreted for dental hygiene assessment purpose. Photographs are sometimes taken along with radiographs. This is necessary for in-depth diagnosis of dental hygiene.


Debridement includes sub- and/or supragingival scaling and subgingival deplaquing. It's a standard procedure that should be done on an annual basis. Plaque is nothing but a bacterial colony that's formed in the presence of food particles between teeth. Absence of regular debridement can cause gingivitis. Don't shy away from this procedure and get it done once in a year. 2 time units scaling is prescribed for maintenance purpose.

Stain removal

Tea and coffee leave our teeth badly stained. Smoking adds to this misery. For dazzling white teeth, it's recommended to get dental polishing done once in a year. That includes stain removal manually or mechanically. Stain removal can also be done by ultrasound method. Prophylaxis is explained to client to prevent excessive staining.

Flouride Application

Flouride therapy is a protective therapy for repairing teeth enamel. Flouride helps to reduce tooth decay by forming flourapatite. Flouride ions also promote remineralization of enamel and prevent teeth at early onset of cavities. It also reduces adhesion of bacteria on tooth surface, thereby decreasing chances of caries.

For prophylaxis and prevention against cavities, a thin layer of flouride varnish is applied on tooth surface. Topical application of flouride varnish every six months or annually has proven to be beneficial against initial tooth decay.

Other dental care services

Polishing and sealant application are also two procedures that are included in dental care regime. It varies from client to client. Also, it depends upon if your dental hygienist deems it necessary or not. Application of anticariogenic/antimicrobial agents on an yearly basis is not uncommon as well. Again, it depends upon your dental service provider.

A lot for people suffer from sensitive teeth. Desensitization therapy is included for such clients in the routine treatment.

If you want to keep your teeth healthy for long, you have to register yourself for yearly checkups and procedures. Apart from that, healthy eating habits contribute a lot to oral health. A low-carb diet is a blessing for your teeth as plaque forming bacteria thrive on carb rich foods, particles of which get lodged in between your teeth. Regular brushing, night brushing, and flossing can help you take better care of your shiny pearls.

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