Wednesday, 28 June 2017

5 Nighttime Tips by Best Dentists Brampton to Improve Oral Health

Did you know that roughly around 40 per cent of Canadians sleep without brushing their teeth? This number is actually scary because a lot can happen inside your buccal cavity while you are having your beauty sleep. During the duration of 6-8 hours, there is not only the bacterial growth, but clenching, dry mouth, grinding can also be going on. And you may not be aware of the fact that while you are sleeping or simply taking a small nap, your salivary glands don’t work in the same way as they do while you are awake. This makes the teeth and gums more vulnerable towards tooth decay and other dental issues. That is why according to the best dentists of Brampton, brushing and flossing before sleeping is imperative.
But other than simple brushing and flossing, there are several other tips that you can follow to improve your oral health even while you are sleeping. So, in this post we are going to discuss some of these tips.

1. Don’t forget to brush and floss: When you brush properly before going to the bed, it gives you protection against the buildup of plaque, gum problems and tooth decay. If you are more prone to gum problems and dental cavities, then it is advisable to brush after every meal and then brushing before you go to bed.

2. Consume healthy bedtime snacks: There are numerous people who have the habit of consuming bedtime snacks. If you are one of them then switching to crunchy fruits and nuts would be highly beneficial. You can munch on apple, carrot or a handful of calcium rich nuts. They increase the saliva production, hence protecting the gums and enamel.

3. Use mouth guard for grinding problem: Your teeth enamel looks worn out and there is increased tooth sensitivity along with torn, painful cheek tissues, chances are that you might be grinding teeth in your sleep. This is something that even the dentists can’t help you with, but you can use a mouth guard to prevent the aftermath of grinding.

4. Never eat sweets before bed: Sugar filled foods have higher acid in content that remains on teeth for longer time. Even if you brush immediately after eating sweets, the ingredients of toothpaste would combine with the acid of sweets, doing more harm. So, if you want to eat sweets, at least keep a gap of one hour.

5. Visit your dentist regularly: Usually people see their dentist only when there is toothache or any other issue. But it is imperative to have regular dental check ups if you want to maintain good oral health.

Following all these nighttime tips and visit to the  best dentists of Brampton, Sandalwood Smiles Dentistry can do wonders for your oral health hygiene. You can go for complete dental checkup and cleaning. After proper cleaning, your teeth will be polished and cleaned that would actually reduce the build up of tartar that goes on whole day- even while you are sleeping.

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