Wednesday, 28 June 2017

5 Nighttime Tips by Best Dentists Brampton to Improve Oral Health

Did you know that roughly around 40 per cent of Canadians sleep without brushing their teeth? This number is actually scary because a lot can happen inside your buccal cavity while you are having your beauty sleep. During the duration of 6-8 hours, there is not only the bacterial growth, but clenching, dry mouth, grinding can also be going on. And you may not be aware of the fact that while you are sleeping or simply taking a small nap, your salivary glands don’t work in the same way as they do while you are awake. This makes the teeth and gums more vulnerable towards tooth decay and other dental issues. That is why according to the best dentists of Brampton, brushing and flossing before sleeping is imperative.
But other than simple brushing and flossing, there are several other tips that you can follow to improve your oral health even while you are sleeping. So, in this post we are going to discuss some of these tips.

1. Don’t forget to brush and floss: When you brush properly before going to the bed, it gives you protection against the buildup of plaque, gum problems and tooth decay. If you are more prone to gum problems and dental cavities, then it is advisable to brush after every meal and then brushing before you go to bed.

2. Consume healthy bedtime snacks: There are numerous people who have the habit of consuming bedtime snacks. If you are one of them then switching to crunchy fruits and nuts would be highly beneficial. You can munch on apple, carrot or a handful of calcium rich nuts. They increase the saliva production, hence protecting the gums and enamel.

3. Use mouth guard for grinding problem: Your teeth enamel looks worn out and there is increased tooth sensitivity along with torn, painful cheek tissues, chances are that you might be grinding teeth in your sleep. This is something that even the dentists can’t help you with, but you can use a mouth guard to prevent the aftermath of grinding.

4. Never eat sweets before bed: Sugar filled foods have higher acid in content that remains on teeth for longer time. Even if you brush immediately after eating sweets, the ingredients of toothpaste would combine with the acid of sweets, doing more harm. So, if you want to eat sweets, at least keep a gap of one hour.

5. Visit your dentist regularly: Usually people see their dentist only when there is toothache or any other issue. But it is imperative to have regular dental check ups if you want to maintain good oral health.

Following all these nighttime tips and visit to the  best dentists of Brampton, Sandalwood Smiles Dentistry can do wonders for your oral health hygiene. You can go for complete dental checkup and cleaning. After proper cleaning, your teeth will be polished and cleaned that would actually reduce the build up of tartar that goes on whole day- even while you are sleeping.

Tuesday, 27 June 2017

Sedation Dentistry Brampton

Sedation Dentistry- No More Fearing the Dentist Chair.

Have you ever experienced severe anxiety at the mere thought of visiting a dentist? So much so that you’ll let your teeth rot rather than getting them fixed by a dentist. If that’s you then sedation dentistry is at your rescue.
Sedation dentistry is meant for patients who are too scared to visit a dentist, even for the simplest of procedures such as cleaning. To remove the fear and anxiety, and to put the patient at ease, different sedation procedures are performed so that the actual dental treatment could be performed without any difficulty. Sandalwood Smiles is the renowned dental clinic in Brampton that makes use of this technique to perfection.

Who all can benefit from it?
Mostly it’s for patients with low pain threshold. That can be due to various factors, age, highly sensitive teeth, etc. Patients with a heightened gag reflex, and an anxiety disorder can also benefit from this technique.
How it’s administered?
There are different modes of administration, the most common one being the oral route of administration. Sedatives that are administered orally include Halcion. Apart from that, sedation through inhalation is possible by using Nitro-us Oxide mixed with Oxygen, administered through a mask. This type of sedation ranges from minimal to moderate.
Moderate to deep sedation is administered in severe cases. Moderate sedation can be administered through IV. Deep sedation, just like general anaesthesia, makes the patient almost or totally unconscious, enabling major dental procedures.
Apart from that, local anaesthesia is given at the site of treatment.
Even though sedation dentistry has made the visit to a dentist much convenient, it comes with certain precautions. Patient should discuss elaborately any prior medical condition they might be having. Patients with obstructive sleep apnea and obesity should report their condition and talk to their dentist before going for general anaesthesia or moderate sedation's.
Precautions to be taken on the part of patient include:
·         Make sure your dentist is certified to administer the type of sedation you are getting. There are different certifications that qualifies a dentist to administer minimal, moderate, and deep sedation's. 
·         Make sure your dentist records your medical history. Give an honest account of your past medical illnesses and the treatment you underwent for the same. Maintain a record of the medications you underwent during your past treatments. If you are currently taking any medications, especially anti-depressants, tell your dentist about it before going for sedation.
·         It’s okay to ask your dentist the type of sedation he/she is using, the name of the sedatives, the appropriate dosage, and the risk factors of the same. Ensure that your dental care provider gives you a detailed list of precautions and risk factors.
Your dental treatment will be a breeze with sedation dentistry, if you keep in mind the necessary precautions that are mentioned above. To get the best results, visit Sandalwood Smiles Dentistry, the best dental care providers in Brampton

Wednesday, 14 June 2017

Best Dentists Brampton - Sandalwood Smiles Dentistry

Periodontal Diseases and Diabetes, How They’re Related
Diabetes Mellitus is extending its grasp over the Canadian population quietly and is increasing in prevalence at an alarming rate. So much that many don’t even know they’re suffering from it, till the signs and symptoms become apparent. Followed by regular checks, blood sugar monitoring, diet control, insulin administration, and so on. But amidst all that, it’s not at all wise to ignore periodontal health.

Whenever a patient with Diabetes comes to us, we make it a point to educate them about the importance of vigorously maintaining oral health as a part of precautionary measures. Many are, however, not aware of this fact. At Sandalwood Smiles Dentistry- Best Dentists Brampton, we initiate awareness drives from time to time to educate people on why patients with diabetes should look after their teeth vigilantly.
Clinical researches have proved that periodontitis is a complication of diabetes and thus, can be an important diagnostic criteria. A two way relationship between periodontitis and diabetes has emerged, where one controls the other. Maintenance of blood sugar levels affects periodontitis positively and vice versa. Similarly, a positive correlation is found to exist between poor glycemic control in patients with diabetes (type 2) and manifestation of periodontitis. Further, periodontal health remains on a stable pedestal under regular maintenance of oral health, periodic removal of plaque, and avoiding a high carb diet, coupled with maintaining controlled blood sugar levels.
Interestingly enough, the high carb foods that lead to plaque deposition are also the ones that raise the blood sugar levels instantly and are contraindicated in a patient with diabetes. Hence, preventive measures for both are all the more same.
Now the question arises as to why the patients with Diabetes Mellitus have periodontitis as complication. Patients with diabetes have a weakened immunity. It’s not the adaptive immunity that’s affected but cellular innate immunity. This is the reason that patients with DM are more susceptible to infections as compared to patients without DM. Therefore, there is more deposition of plaque that houses a greater number of different types of bacteria. If left untreated and ignored for a long time, it can lead to bleeding gums and gingivitis.
So just as a precautionary measure, patients with DM are asked to wear cushioned shoes, double checked each time to remove any foreign object, so is the case with oral health. Patients with DM should get regular deplaque treatments done, more often than patients without DM. 
There’s a difference in frequency of treatment among patients with controlled DM and patients with poorly controlled DM. Patients with adequately controlled DM should undergo scaling treatment once a year. Patients with poorly controlled diabetes should undergo scaling once every six months, along with recording probing depths and bleeding score in both the cases.
Dental care providers should also be alert in looking for signs and symptoms of hypoglycemia in patients with DM such as dizziness, pallor, anxiety, tachycardia, weakness, hunger, and sweating. It’s advisable to keep juices handy in such cases.

Even though there’s weak evidence to completely establish a relation between DM and periodontitis, it’s a matter of observation. It’s seen that patients who maintain a stable blood sugar level respond better to periodontal therapies. Similarly, patients with poorly maintained blood sugar levels show signs and symptoms of increased periodontal deterioration. Therefore, if you’re suffering from DM, talk to your dental care provider today for maintaining optimal oral health.

Tuesday, 13 June 2017

Top 5 Super Foods for the Best Dental Health | Best Dental Clinic Brampton

When it comes to oral health, brushing and flossing alone aren’t sufficient; it is a comprehensive and holistic package that comes along with regular visits to the dental expert as well as a healthy, nutritious diet. One of the major aspect of oral health is that it is overlapped with the overall health and immunity of the person. So, whatever the diet is, it is clearly reflected by the oral health. Even the experts at the best dental clinic Brampton often suggest their patients to opt for the super-foods that can do wonders for the gums as well as condition of teeth.

In this post, we are going to discuss about certain foods that are easily available on the pantry shelf but are not less than a boon for the dental health. Some of them are as follows:

#1 All crunchy Fruits and Veggies: 

Fruits and vegetables like celery, apple, carrots have high fibre and water content in them, thus stimulating salivary glands for a longer period. The secreted saliva is packed with enzymes that restricts the growth of Streptococcus Bacillus, the cavity causing bacteria. Moreover, the coarse texture of these foods brushes the gums and teeth, thus acting as natural brushes.

#2 All Dairy Product:

Well, not to mention calcium enriched foods while talking about super-foods for dental health would be a crime. Dairy products including hard cheese, milk, yogurt is rich in calcium that strengthens the enamel and increases the density. Apart from that, calcium aids in the reduction of the acidic pH level that deteriorates the enamel.

#3 Raw Onions:

Agreed, nobody can stand the bad breath due to onion, but that doesn’t negate the benefits of raw onion. The sulfur compounds of onion along with its antibacterial properties restricts the growth of harmful bacteria in the oral cavity. All you have to do is chew raw onion for 2-3 minutes.

#4 Water:

Water is the cheapest mouthwash that you can use to boost the oral health. Without any side effects, water is the best liquid ever for your teeth. Swishing and gargling with water after every meal not only removes the leftover bits and pieces but also increases saliva secretion which leads to the better digestion.
Though it can be a bit tough to give up on your favourite fries or candies, but raiding your pantry and munching on the above-mentioned super-foods isn’t a bad start. Even the dental experts at Sandalwood Smiles Dentistry, best dental clinic in Brampton swear by all these super-foods. So, what are you waiting for? Grab an apple and start munching now.
Till next time!

Friday, 9 June 2017

Best Dental Care Brampton - Typical Annual Checkups For Adult

In order to keep your oral hygiene impeccable and intact, it's important to sign up for an annual checkup. Now these are vital for a lot many reasons. Annual dental checkup is necessary to keep a check on dental caries, to ensure healthy gums, to make your teeth sparkling white, and for overall oral hygiene. Yearly dental checkup for adults consist of a series of procedures that are recommended by CDHA. Sandalwood Smiles, the leading Best Dental Care Brampton ,have listed these procedures in an easily comprehensible manner.

Recall Examination

Recall examination is prescribed by your dental hygienists for regular maintenance of treatment and control of problem. Previously collected assessment data is reviewed, updated, and analyzed. Treatment plan is modified after thoroughly analyzing the assessment data. In case an added intervention is needed, it's included in the treatment plan. It's also important for case presentations to see that a new therapy has yielded fruitful results or not. Don't ignore reassessment calls from your dental hygienist,

Bitewing Radiographs

2 bitewing radio graphs (4film) are recommended which are interpreted for dental hygiene assessment purpose. Photographs are sometimes taken along with radiographs. This is necessary for in-depth diagnosis of dental hygiene.


Debridement includes sub- and/or supragingival scaling and subgingival deplaquing. It's a standard procedure that should be done on an annual basis. Plaque is nothing but a bacterial colony that's formed in the presence of food particles between teeth. Absence of regular debridement can cause gingivitis. Don't shy away from this procedure and get it done once in a year. 2 time units scaling is prescribed for maintenance purpose.

Stain removal

Tea and coffee leave our teeth badly stained. Smoking adds to this misery. For dazzling white teeth, it's recommended to get dental polishing done once in a year. That includes stain removal manually or mechanically. Stain removal can also be done by ultrasound method. Prophylaxis is explained to client to prevent excessive staining.

Flouride Application

Flouride therapy is a protective therapy for repairing teeth enamel. Flouride helps to reduce tooth decay by forming flourapatite. Flouride ions also promote remineralization of enamel and prevent teeth at early onset of cavities. It also reduces adhesion of bacteria on tooth surface, thereby decreasing chances of caries.

For prophylaxis and prevention against cavities, a thin layer of flouride varnish is applied on tooth surface. Topical application of flouride varnish every six months or annually has proven to be beneficial against initial tooth decay.

Other dental care services

Polishing and sealant application are also two procedures that are included in dental care regime. It varies from client to client. Also, it depends upon if your dental hygienist deems it necessary or not. Application of anticariogenic/antimicrobial agents on an yearly basis is not uncommon as well. Again, it depends upon your dental service provider.

A lot for people suffer from sensitive teeth. Desensitization therapy is included for such clients in the routine treatment.

If you want to keep your teeth healthy for long, you have to register yourself for yearly checkups and procedures. Apart from that, healthy eating habits contribute a lot to oral health. A low-carb diet is a blessing for your teeth as plaque forming bacteria thrive on carb rich foods, particles of which get lodged in between your teeth. Regular brushing, night brushing, and flossing can help you take better care of your shiny pearls.